Pro-life, Pro-Choice and everything in between: A quantitative study of popular attitudes on abortion in the Faroe Islands Ímillum Frítt Val og Pro Vita: Ein kvantitativ kanning um fólksligan hugburð til abort í Føroyum



Published Dec 4, 2024
Heini í Skorini
Herit Albinus


Having debated the rights of sexual minorities for two decades, the question of abortion is increasingly emerging as a new fault line in Faroese politics. In spring of 2024, the Faroese Parliament rejected the legalisation of free abortion by the slimmest margin possible, and civil society NGOs are spearheading “pro-choice” and “pro-life” campaigns. But how does the Faroese voter relate to the question? Who supports and who opposes the legalisation of free abortion before week twelve? On the basis of a quantitative survey conducted in November 2022, this article examines public opinion on abortion legislation and what demographic and personal factors predict abortion attitudes. While it is not possible to present conclusive evidence on the basis of one single study, the findings indicate that the Faroese public is divided on the issue. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between pro-life attitudes and the importance of religion as well as right-wing attitudes, while centre-periphery tensions are also visible. However, and in contrast with international surveys in the cross-national literature on abortion and public opinion, the survey finds no difference between men and women, and educational level does not predict abortion attitudes either. Finally, when examining the role of age, the generation between 30-44 years proves most likely to oppose the legalisation of abortion on demand.


Eftir at hava kjakast um rættindi hjá seksuellum minnilutum í tvey áratíggju er ósemjan um abort ella fosturtøku vorðin alsamt sjónligari í føroyskum politikki. Á vári í 2024 atkvøddi ein tepur meiriluti ímóti nýggjari lóg, sum loyvir fríari fosturtøku, samstundis sum felagsskapir stríðast bæði fyri og ímóti rættinum til abort. Men hvat hugsar føroyski veljarin um hendan spurning? Hvør er fyri og hvør er ímóti fríari abort áðrenn 12. viku? Við støði í kvantitativari kanning frá november 2022 kannar hendan greinin almennan hugburð til abort og hvørji demografisk og persónlig viðurskifti mynda hugburð til hendan spurning. Uttan at draga ov greiðar niðurstøður við støði í einstøkum kanningum geva úrslitini ábendingar um, at føroyskir veljarar eru sera ósamdir. Hagfrøðiliga finst ein signifikantur samanhangur millum átrúnað, høgravendan hugburð og mótstøðu ímóti fríari abort, samstundis sum munirnir millum miðstaðarøkið og økini kring landið eisini eru sjónligir. Men í andsøgn til gransking aðrastaðni finst eingin signifikantur munur á monnum og kvinnum, og útbúgving hevur heldur ongan týdning. Viðvíkjandi aldri er aldursbólkurin millum 30 og 44 ár í størri mun ímóti fríari abort samanborið við aðrar aldursbólkar.

Abstract 71 | Pdf Downloads 209



Abortion, public opinion, demography, ideology, religion, secularisation, Fosturtøka, almennur hugburður, demografi, ideologi, átrúni, sekularisering

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Special Issue Human Rights