Fróðskaparrit - Faroese Scientific Journal
Faroese Scientific Journal is an annual journal with scientific articles from and about the Faroe Islands and Faroese issues. The journal spans all scientific fields with articles in Faroese (mostly Humanities and Social Sciences) or English (Natural and Life Sciences).
From 1952-2021 Fróðskaparrit was published in an annual printed volume. From volume 67/2021 onwards the journal is no longer published in a printed version. All articles are available open access on this site.
Fróðskapur Books
Fróðskapur - Faroe University Press – was established in 2005. It publishes works from all scientific fields in the Faroe Islands. Publications are in Faroese, English and Danish.
Fróðskapur continues the publishing tradition of The Faroese Academy of Science in the period 1952-2005. Fróðskapur is the joint publishing company, owned by the University of the Faroe Islands and the Faroese Academy of Science.
Frøði er populervísindaliga ritið hjá Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, sum upprunaliga eisini útgav Fróðskaparrit. Føroya Fróðskaparfelag og Fróðskaparsetur Føroya settu á stovn universitetsforlagið Fróðskapur sp/f í 2005, sum s´íðan hevur útgivið Fróðskaparrit og rikið bókaútgávustarv Fróðskaparfelagsins annars.