Spawning of Atlantic Halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus) in Deep Waters on the Continental Slope South West of the Faroe Islands
From the appearance of fish with running gonads, and of pelagic eggs in the water column, it is evident that the Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, spawns in late winter in deep waters on the continental slope southwest of the Faroe Islands. Almost exclusively sexually mature specimens are present in the spawning area (mainly depths below 700 m), while in
shallower areas around the Faroes, small immature halibut are quite abundant.
Temperatures and salinities in the spawning area are, in February, c. 8° C and 35.25%o respectively. A possible significance
of the cold deepwater current running north-westwards just north of the spawning area through the Faroe Bank Channel,
as a clue for halibut to identify the spawning area, is discussed.
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