1992: Book 40
Editors: Jóan Pauli Joensen. Sjúrður Rasmussen og Eilif Gaard.
Assistant Editor: Elin Súsanna Jacobsen
Postai address: Fróðskaparrit, Føroya Fróðskaparfelag, Postsmoga 209, FR-110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands.
Útgevari: Mentunargrunnur Føroya Løgtings. Publisher: Mentunargrunnur Føroya Løgtings.
Published: 31-12-1992
Natural Sciences
The international research program on the ecology and status ofthe Long-Finned Pilot Whale offthe Faroe Islands
Abstract 21 | PDF Downloads 49
Page 9-29
A note about a male-only pilot whale school observed in Faroe Islands
Abstract 40 | PDF Downloads 34
Page 31-37
Testing acoustical methods for detection of odontocete whales
Abstract 18 | PDF Downloads 22
Page 39-43
The exotic land planarian Artioposthia triangulata in the Faroe Islands: Colonisation and habitats
Abstract 38 | PDF Downloads 154
Page 49-60