2001: Book 49
Ritstjóri (Editor-in-Chief):
Dorete Bloch, PhD, Professor
Stuðulsritstjórn (Editorial Board):
Professor Jonathan Wylie, PhD (Historical Science)
Director Nanna Hermansson (Culture and Community)
Professor Jonna Louis-Jensen, dr. phil. (Linguistics)
Professor Michael Barnes, PhD (Linguistics)
Professor Røgnvaldur Hannesson, dr. (Economics)
Professor Pehr H. Enckell, PhD (Biology)
Professor Svein Østerhus, dr. scient. (Natural Science)
Útgevari (Publisher):
Føroya Fróðskaparfelag
Published: 31-12-2001
»Hvør sum í míni fótspor stígur, lær ikki allan stund!« Søga og undirsøga í Gongu Rólvs kvæði
Abstract 33 | PDF Downloads 28
Page 5-24
Natural Sciences
Coralline Red Algae (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) of the Faroe Islands
Abstract 33 | PDF Downloads 25
Page 37-43
Breeding distribution and numbers of wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) in the Faroe Islands
Abstract 36 | PDF Downloads 37
Page 127-139
Book Review
Scientific publications about the Faroe Islands, 2000
Abstract 22 | PDF Downloads 20
Page 153-160