2021: Book 67
Full Issue
School Leadership Challenges in Faroese Compulsory Schools During the COVID-19 Crisis / Avbjóðingar hjá skúlaleiðslum í føroyskum fólkaskúlum undir COVID-19 kreppuni
Abstract 369 | PDF Downloads 173
Page 5-35
The relative order of sentential adverbs in Icelandic and Faroese / Setningshjáorð í íslendskum og føroyskum
Abstract 244 | PDF Downloads 98
Page 81-95
“Vembur má hann duga at vaska” – krøv til ummælaran og ummælið sum tekstslag í samskiftinum millum Tórodd Poulsen og ummælararnar / “He must know how to clean rumen” – What it takes to be a critic and literary criticism as a genre in the communication between Tóroddur Poulsen and his critics
Abstract 420 | PDF Downloads 100
Page 96-109
Kongsumsiting, skattur, líkningareindir og fólk í tí føroyska skattlandinum umleið 1300-1600
Abstract 642 | PDF Downloads 193
Page 36-80