The Bangiophyte Species of the Faroe Islands Reyðtarar av bólkinum Bangiophycidae í føroyskum øki
A study of the bangiophyte species (i.e. those belonging to the subclass of red algae the Bangiophycidae), based on extensive collections from the Faroe Islands, has revealed the following species: Bangia atropurpurea, Erythrocladia irregularis, Erythrotrichia bertholdii, E. carnea, Porphyropsis coccinea, Sahlingia subintegra, Porphyra amplissima, P. dioica, P. leucosticta, P. linearis, P. miniata, P. purpurea, P. umbilicalis and at least three possibly undescribed species. Porphyra and Bangia species can be distinguished on the basis of shape of frond, colour of dried herbarium specimens and the nature of the reproductive structures. The other species require microscopic examination to be identified. The Porphyra data are discussed in relation to the recently studied British Isles bangiophyte flora which is similar but lacks P. miniata.
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