Dominant Species Abundance Related to Environmental Factors on Rocky Shores in the Faroe Islands Títtleikin av vanligastu føroysku dýra- og tarasløgunum á klettastrond í mun til ymisk umhvørvisviðurskifti
Abundance data on 22 species at 168 intertidal sites with hard substrate in the Faroe Islands were analysed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) and related ordination techniques. Wave exposure was shown to be the single most important factor. Substrate type and the position in fj'ords were the other major variables, possibly related to their effects on exposure. Current and tidal amplitude had minor effects. No effects were detected from slope, aspect, or local protection. The results also
indicated the presence of an unknown factor responsible for some of the variation. The biological exposure scale, which was developed by Bruntse et al. (1999b) and based on the same data, was shown to resemble the first axis in Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). The present analyses supported the interpretation that the biological scale mainly reflects wave exposure.

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