Distribution of Lateglacial Tephra in Scandinavia Utbreiðsla av seinglasialari tefru í Norðurlondum
Jan 1, 1998
Stefan Wastegørd
The distribution of tephra horizons in south Scandinavia dated to the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition is reviewed. These include the Vedde Ash (c. 10,400 - 10,300 i*C years BP) and the Saksunarvatn Ash (c. 9000 l4C years BP), which are of Icelandic origin and the Central European Laacher See Tephra (c. 11,200 l4C years BP). The identification of several new sites with the Vedde Ash in south Sweden has increased the known distribution of this important marker horizon significantly. An area in the southern Baltic region may be chosen for further research, as the distribution of all these three tephras seem to coincide in this area.
Natural Sciences

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