Macrofossil Studies of lacustrine Sediments from Skálafjørður, the Faroe Islands: preliminary Results Makrosteinrenningarrannsóknir av vatnsáløgum úr Skálafirði í Føroyum: fyribils úrslit



Published Jan 1, 1998
Ole Bennike Jens Bøcher Peter Konradi Antoon Kuijpers Birger Larsen


A sequence from Skálafjørður on Eysturoy in the Faroe Islands has been analysed for macroscopical plant and animal remains. The sequence contains a range of obligate fresh water plants and animals, and no marine fossils, thus the sequence represents a lacustrine environment, and we conclude that the present threshold fjord was a lake during deposition of this sequence. A preliminary chronological framework suggests that the lake formed just after deglaciation at around 10,000 radiocarbon years BP, and the threshold was inundated by the sea around 8,000 years BP, after which marine conditions were established. The flora and fauna comprise a number of plants and animals that are new to the fossil biota of the Faroes, and two fresh water bryozoans that have not been recorded from the archipelago at the present time.

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Natural Sciences