Caprellidea (Crustacea; Amphipoda) from Faroe Islands Waters, with a Key to the North-Atlantic Species Caprellidea (Cmstacea; Amphipoda) í føroyskum sjógvi, við einum lykli til onnur sløg í Norðuratlantshavi



Published Jan 1, 1998
Kim Larsen


During the BIOFAR program, two species of caprellids I viously unrecorded from the waters surrounding the Faroe Islands where identified, and the vertical distribution range increased for a number of other species already known from the area. The caprellid fauna around the Faroes islands is a peculiar mixture of warm and c ild water species, found at unusual temperatures. A species list of the caprellids from the Faroe Islands together with notes on their geographical and vertical distribution and keys to the North Atlantic Caprellidea are given.

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Natural Sciences