Í Uppistovubeitinum. Site and settlement Fornfrøðilig rannsókn í Uppistovubeitinum í Leirvfk



Published Jan 1, 1997
Símun V. Arge


Since 1988 archaeological investigations have been carried out on the site of í Uppistovubeitinum in the village of Leirvfk with the exception of the summers of 1990, 1996 and 1997. The excavations have revealed medieval settlement remains dated archaeologically to 12th-14th Century, wich corresponds well to the results of two carbon 14 datings. So far the remains of 5 buildings have been revieled. The artefactual assemblage is very interesting and complex, and reflects both agricultural as
well as marine occupation; the artefacts, i.e. imported pottery from Paffrath and Andenne, also indicate strong connections with the outside world.

In order to give a picture of the settlement in a historical context, an attempt is made to assess the archaeological remains of í Uppistovubeitinum in relation to the medieval church ruin Bønhústoft next to the site instead of the ancient settlement við Garð as traditionally has been done. At last it is stressed that the excavation also accentuates the problem complex of farm-mounds in the Faroes.

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