The Lichens ofthe Faroes



Published Jan 1, 1992
Vagn Alstrup Steen N. Christensen Eric Steen Hansen Svanhildur Svane


The collections of lichens from the Faroes in the Danish herbaria have been revised together with new collections. 471 species,
subspecies and varieties of lichens and 50 species of lichenicolous fungi were found. Notes are given about the frequency, habitats and distribution of the species, and new collections are cited for the rarer species. References are made to the literature of the subject and the synonyms used in that literature are listed. New species and new combinations are: Carbonea degelii Alstrup sp. nov., Cercidospora arthroraphidicola Alstrup sp. nov., Dactylospora rostrupii Alstrup sp. nov., Endococcus verrucosporus Alstrup sp. nov., Lasiosphaeriopsis cephalodiorum (Rostrup) Alstrup comb. nov., Micarea paratropa (Nyl.) Alstrup comb. nov., Micarea subconfusa (Nyl.) Alstrup comb. nov. and Roselliniopsis ventosa (Rostrup) Alstrup comb. nov. Another 223 species are new to the area.

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Natural Sciences