Atfinna ella uppfinna tað føroyska Ein smávísindalig ritroynd



Published Jan 1, 1989
Jóan Pauli Joensen


The article is an attempt to describe the creation of a Faroese identity, in the light of the social and economic chanees wich took
place in the 19th century, as well as more recent developments to the present day, and how this identity has manifested itself. The concept of identity is examined briefly, and examples are provided to show how such things as Faroese national dress, certain food, various old Faroese tools, wall decorations, advertising logos and so on have been transformed into peculiarly 
Faroese characteristics. The last part of the article is a detailed analysis which shows how the pilot whale and pilot whaling have, since the early 19th century, become symbols of Faroese identity.

Abstract 33 | PDF Downloads 49

