Tjóðskaparrørsla sum søgujigt fyribrigdi og granskingarevni
The preceeding article has been presented as an attempt at giving an outline of the development af nationalism as an international historical phenomenon and as a subject of historical research, illustrated by references to international scientific approaches and results. (Up to 1986 when it was concluded. The author has later dealt with the subject in other editions).
Secondly, an effort has been made to place the Faroese nationalist „example" in a larger historical context, trying to make out what might have been unique and what can be considered general in the Faroese development.
It is important for the author to point out, as shown in the Faroese example, that it is difficult to present and to give reasons for
universal models for the preconditions, the development, the organisation and the ultimate political outcome of a nationalist
rising. The question is also put whether the forming of a state is always the logical conclusion of the awakening of a national
sentiment in an ethnic group. In the Faroese example no Faroese never doubted his ethnicity and nationality.
But the outcome of the nationalist movement, organized in 1881 among Faroese students in Copenhagen and in 1889 in a
massive movement in the Faroe Islands, did not result in the establishing of an independent Faroese state. Even if there was an
electioral majority for that solution in a plebiscite in 1946, two years later another electoral majority accepted a political status
for the Faroe Islands as „a self-governing community within the Kingdom of Denmark". This is still the outer constitutional
status of the Faroe Islands, although a tendency towards extended self-government is evident.
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