Føroyskur málføramunur sambært Schrøter og Sørensen / Faroese dialect differences as seen by Schrøter and Sørensen



Published Feb 26, 2017
Eivind Weyhe


Úrtak: Høvundurin viðger í greinini eina týðing hjá tí danska  prestinum  í Norðuroyggjum, Søren Sørensen, av einum kapitli í Matteusar evangelium til føroyskt. Tað danska Bíbliufelagið hevði í 1823 útgivið týðingina hjá suðuroyarpresti J.H. Schrøter av Matteusi til føroyskt. Men av tí at Schrøter hevði brúkt sunnanmál í síni týðing, vildi Sørensen vísa Bíbliufelagnum hvussu ein umseting kundi sætt út á norðanmáli, og sendi felagnum týðing sína í 1826. Í greinini verða týðingarnar hjá Sørensen og Schrøter samanbornar. Víst verður á at Sørensen mest sum bara umskrivar tekstin hjá Schrøter, ikki bara við at leggja málið nærri upp at norðanmáli, men eisini við at leggja týðingina nærri upp at donskum. Víst verður á at tekstirnir eru millum fyrstu royndirnar at skapa føroyskan prosatekst, men at týðararnir velja hvør sína málsligu leið.

Abstract: In this article the author deals with a translation into Faroese of a chapter of the Gospel according to St Matthew, made by the Danish pastor, Søren Sørensen, incumbent in the Northern Isles of the Faroes. In 1823 the Danish Bible Society had published a Faroese translation of the whole of Matthew by J.H. Schrøter, pastor on Suðuroy, the most southerly island in the group. However, Schrøter had used a southern dialect in his translation, and Sørensen wanted to show the Bible Society what a translation into a northern type of Faroese would look like. He therefore sent the Society his rendering in 1826. In the article Sørensen’s and Schrøter’s translations are compared. It is shown that Sørensen does little more than amend Schrøter’s text. However, he not only gives it a more northern flavour but also brings it into closer harmony  with Danish. These texts are among the first attempts to write Faroese prose, although the two translators take different linguistic paths.

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