Burðarvekt, viðgongutíð og kostur



Published Dec 31, 1985
Sjúrður Fróði Olsen


Birth weight, gestational length, and dietary habits. Perinatal mortality in the Faroes.

On the basis of evidences from epidemiologic studies in the Faroes and in Denmark on birth weight, gestational length and dietary habits, together with evidence of influence of dietary fatty acids on endogenous production of prostaglandins that play an active role in labour, the following hypothesis is being proposed: High amounts of dietary (n-3)-polyunsaturated fatty acids increase birth weight by prolonging gestation in humans.

Crude perinatal mortality rates are higher in the Faroes than in Denmark. Problems in the interpretation of these differences,
such as the comparability of the data, are briefly discussed.

Research projects aiming to clarify these issues are briefly described. The author has got support from the Faroese Academy to
the projects, that will be performed as a cowork with other medical doctors and with nutritionists.

Abstract 24 | PDF Downloads 23


Health and Medicine