Ómarkaði kyn í føroyskum - Unmarked or default genders in Faroese



Published Dec 31, 2004
Hjalmar P. Petersen


Í hesum greinarpetti verður víst á, at føroyskt hevur tvey ómarkaði kyn, kallkyn og hvørkikyn. Málið liggur tískil mitt ímillum íslendskt og hini norðurlendsku málini, og tað tykist vera soleiðis, at hvørkikyn vinnur á kallkyni.

We will show in this article that Faroese has two unmarked or default genders, masculine and neuter. The language is situated between Mainland-Scandinavian and Insular-Scandinavian, just as is the case with the phonological system, the morphological system, syntax and vocabulary, and it seems to be the case that a change is happening.

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