Sjúka í diskunum bróstgeislanna millum Morbus disci columnae thoracalis



Published Dec 14, 2022
Høgni Debes Joensen


The present paper describes 56 cases of a pathological picture, here
referred to as mb. disci columnae thoracalis. The majority of the patients
were between 35 and 55 years old. Approximately half of the patients were admitted under the diagnosis of mb. cordis. In most cases the disease set in gradually as a deep pain between the shoulder-blades. The greater part of the patients had pain radiating to the thorax, most frequently to the left half of the thorax. The most important objective findings were pressure tenderness, hyperaesthesia, and scoliosis, and the most important radiographic findings were narrowing of the discs and formation of ostheophytes (see Eig. 1—8). The patients received physiotherapy.

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Health and Medicine