Guanetidinviðgerð av ov høgum blóðtrýsti Royndir av 35 sjúklingum



Published Jan 1, 1962
Bendt Jensen


The author has examined 35 patients with malignant hypertension treated at the medical ward, Landssjúkrahúsið, Tórshavn, and concludes that this disease is as frequent in the Faroe Islands as in other western countries. The course of the disease, however, seems to be milder, especially with regard to changes in the optic fundi (hemorrhages and exudates), even if the patients have had the disease for several years. Changes in the electrocardiogram and X=ray of the heart run proportionally with the severity of the hypertension. An apparently mild hypertension can in a couple of years develop info a malignant one,
frequently among females between 50 and 60 years of age. I suppose that the milder course, especially with regard to the eyeground, may be due to other habits of eating in the Faroe Islands than in other western countries. The most important difference is the intake of unsaturated fatty acids6. In this connection it is emphasized that retinopathia diabetica is seldom seen in this country, even if the patients have had diabetes mellitus for many years; perhaps it is also due to the intake of the above-mentioned food, which possibly protects against arterioísclerosis.

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Health and Medicine