Strandarrætturin í Føroyum
By ownership of the shore was formerly understood the right of wreck, whereas now it is partly the right of becoming the owner of what is washed ashore from the sea, partly the right of using the shore or the materials it consists of.
While the right of using the open sea is free to anyone, and, within the limits which might be set by legislation, the right of using the territorial sea is free to all citizens of the country concerned, something else is the rule concerning a certain belt along the coasts. The extent of this belt is laid down differently in different countries and at different times. In Faroese law this belt is reaching out to the lowest tide, and in certain cases the limit must be fixed farther out.
The area behind this limit is called the shore, reaching to the line where the grass begins. No matter whether thc shore belongs under infield or outficld, it belon^s jointly to all owntrs of assessed land in the village concerned, in such a way that the owners have an actual propiietary right in the part of the shore situated between the floodmark and the edge of the growth of grass, while concerning the rest of the shore they are entitled to exercise a number of rights, for instance sole and exclusive right to driftwood, seaweed, sand, etc.

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