Skipanarligar fortreytir og føroysk stjórnarviðurskifti Institutional Conditions and Faroese Governments



Published Nov 28, 2024
Hallbera West


Political Parties are complex organisations with different tasks and roles. It is clear that  political parties solve important tasks in the Faroese democratic system. This article focuses on the political parties, the party system, and Faroese governments. The article builds on the assumption that institutional settings influence the conditions for government activity. The article identifies factors for the Faroese system like a multi-party system with a weak political centre and coalition governments with larger policy stretch compared to other political systems, which means potential challenges. The investigation, however, shows that despite these identified factors, the political system has a continuous structure and also governments are rather stable at the same time as parties take turns in government coalition formation.

Abstract 444 | PDF Downloads 808



Political parties, Multipartysystem, Coalition governments, Institutional conditions, Faroe Islands, Politiskir flokkar, Fleirflokkaskipan, Samgongustjórn, Skipanarligar fortreytir, Føroyar

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Social Sciences