Great Northern Diver (Gavia immer) in circumpolar folk ornithology
Í fólksligari vitan og siðbundnum búskapi hevur havgás (Gavia immer) verið ein týdningarmikil fuglur. Hon eigur í Íslandi og í Bjarnoynni, men vitjar ofta strendur og oyggjar í Útnyrðingsevropa um veturin. Fuglurin er vælkendur, við nógvum staðbundnum nøvnum bæði á norðurlendskum og keltiskum, og hann hevur verið nógv brúktur sum veðurmerki. Fólk hava eisini etið havgás og gagnnýtt hamin.
The great northern diver (Gavia immer) has played an important role in the folk ornithology and traditional economy of the various ethnic groups which lived within its domain. In Europe it breeds regularly in Iceland and a few pairs on Bear Island, but it is a frequent winter visitor to the coastal and island areas in north-western Europe. It has been a well-known bird, with many local names, both in Norse and Celtic traditions, and it was believed to be a weather prophet. Its meat and skin has also been utilized.
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