Village-dwelling. Understanding young people’s reasons for settling in Faroese villages. Bygdadvøl – hví ungfólk búsetast í føroyskum bygdum
Leikluturin hjá bygdunum í føroyska samfelagnum broytist alsamt. Fyrr vóru bygdirnar rættiliga fjar skotnar, men nú eru tær mobilt samantvinnaðar við hvørja aðra. Hetta merkir í fyrstu syftu, at bústaðar siðvenjan, ið er knýtt at tí at búgva á bygd, broytist. Men harnæst er tað eisini við til at máa støði undan vanligu fatanini av tí at búgva á bygd. Sum ung fólk gerast sera mobil – og noyðast at gerast sera mobil fyri ikki at verða afturúrsigld – verða partar av siðbundnu bygdafatanini
varðveittir í ímyndunum hjá unga fólkinum. Sæð úr hesum sjónarhorni verður bygdin eitt sera tvígilt og enntá tvørsagt fyribrigdi, ið javnvigar millum siðbundni og modernitet; millum staðbundinskap og flytføri. Í greinini vísi eg eisini á at tað er høpisleyst at skilja millum býar- og bygdalívsformar í eini mobilari øld.
The role of the villages in the Faroes society is rapidly changing. Wheras the villages used to be quite isolated they are now mobilely integrated with each others. This means firstly that the dwelling-practices connected to living in a village are changing, but secondly it also undermines the common perception of the villagedwelling. As young people become – and have to
become so in order to not being left behind – very mobile, parts of the traditional village-perception still remain in the imaginations of the young people. Seen from this point of view the village becomes a very ambivalent and even paradoxical phenomenon that balances between tradition and modernity; between place-tiedness and mobility. In the article I also discuss
the lack of meaning in distinguishing between urban and rural life-modes in an age of mobility.
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