Merking av toski vestan fyri Suðuroy í 1952



Published Jan 1, 1956
Jákup Sverri Joensen


The marking experiments with Cod at the Faroes in 1909—1937 were dealt with by Strubberg (1916 and 1933) and Tining (1940). The present report discusses the marking experiments with Cod west of Suðuroy in 1952. 523 Cod were marked, 371 in June and 152 in November. Most of these were small (Table 1). 94 Cod (18 °/o) are recaptured (Table 2—3). One is recaptured on Faroe Bank and one on Middle Rough in the North Sea. AU the others are recaptured off the Faroes (Fig. 1—8). The figures in Fig. 1—8 indicate the numbers of months in sea after tagging. British trawlers took 49 of the recaptured Cod, and Faroese boats 45. 48 Cod were taken by trawl, 36 by hand line, 9 by line and 1 by seine.

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Natural Sciences