Um kolarannsóknir í Hvalba



Published Jan 1, 1952
Jóannes Rasmussen


This paper deals with the coal-seams appearing on the northern part of Suðuroy between Hvalba and Trongisvág (Faroes). The chief problem: »How many seams exist in this area«? goes far back in the past. Reference is made to F. Johnstrup (1873), Th. Ihrmann, Th. Nordstrom and H. A. Stokes (A. Daigre 1908), P. E. Raaschou (1937) and H. Marstrander (1950) who suggest existence of other workable coal-seams, partly above, partly beneath the coalhorizon where it is now worked in Prestfjall. —
The present investigations which were made on behalf of Geological Survey oi' Denmark and the Governraent oJ the Faroe Isles, come to the conclusion 1) that no real coalseam exists above the coalhorizon worked in Prestfjall, 2) that the present investigations liave found only negligible seams on lower level, 3) that the coal-bearing strata in the eastern area are greatly disturbed by explosive outbursts and intrusions.

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Natural Sciences