Viðbót til Føroya plantutal Frá 1908 til 1952
During the last 44 years — from 1908 (when »Botany of the Færoes« appeared) to this year — the number of higher plants in the Faroes have increased with 40 members. Table I shows life forms (Raunkjær), act of staying and first discovery. Table II shows how the annual and the perennial part of these plants divide themselves as to their ability to be naturalized or not. In the text a more detailed description is given regarding these plants. Of these 40 plants at least 4 may have been good natives for several centuries, only not discovered before 1908. Nr. 4 og 5 are hydrophytes and may easily be hiding in some waterpools among waterplants. Nr. 33 & 34 are hemicryptophytes both of them. Nr. 33 is possibly a »nova specia«. Nr. 34 is recorded by Jorgen Landt 1800, by W. C. Trevelyan 1821, nothwithstanding it was omitted from the list in »Botany of the Færoes« part III 1908. Rediscovered 1928.
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