“Vembur má hann duga at vaska” – krøv til ummælaran og ummælið sum tekstslag í samskiftinum millum Tórodd Poulsen og ummælararnar / “He must know how to clean rumen” – What it takes to be a critic and literary criticism as a genre in the communication between Tóroddur Poulsen and his critics
Greinin varpar ljós á bókmentaummæli sum samskifti millum ummælara og skald. Við tí útbreidda uppáhaldinum í huga at ummæli eru hótt tekstslag, verður royndarborað í eitt úrval av samskiftinum millum Tórodd Poulsen skald og ummælarar hansara og víst á, at skaldskapur Tórods er dømi um, at ummæli í breiðastu merking avmarka seg ikki til teir miðlar, sum verða hildnir at treyta tey, og til tey tekstslagskrøv, sum skilmarka tey.
The article discusses literary criticism as communication between the critic and the poet. Considering the claim that the literary review is a threatened genre, the article delves into a selection of the ongoing dialog between Faroese poet Tóroddur Poulsen and his critics. It is argued that the poetic texts of Poulsen can serve as examples of how literary reviews, understood in the widest sense, are not restricted to the media they are often perceived as depended upon and that they can transgress the criteria defining their genre.

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