Nýtt innan vísindi 2014-15

News and progress 2014-15

The following scientists have defended a PhD Thesis in 2014-2015


Janna E. Hansen
Religion og religiøsiet på Færøerne i det 21. århundrede: Betwixt and Between
Aarhus Universitet, Denmark

Heðin Jacobsen
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - Improving treatment with Fast-Track methodology
Universitetet i Oslo, Norway

Jan Rasmussen
Primary Carnitine Deficiency in the Faroe Islands - an epidemiological and clinical study
Københavns Universitet, Denmark

Tóra Petersen
Traumatisation in children and adolescents: A broad perspective
Syddansk Universitet, Denmark

Hilmar Simonsen
Acquisition, processing and geologic interpretation of reflection seismic data from high- and low-resolution surveys in the Faroe Islands
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Faroe Islands

Uni Kárason Petersen
Propagation and scattering of reflection seismic waves in a basalt succession
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Faroe Islands

Jens Christian Svabo Justinussen
Sustainable Management - a Question of Time
Cambridge University, United Kingdom

Agnes Mols Mortensen
The foliose Bangiales (Rhodophyta) in the northern part of the North Atlantic and the relationship with the North Pacific foliose Bangiales - diversity, distribution, phylogeny and phylogeography
University of New Hampshire, USA

Kim Steve Bergkvist
Gene expression profiling of normal B-cell subsets - Technical procedures and performance
Ålborg Universitet, Denmark

Rói Hammershaimb Christiansen
Phage-host interactions in Flavobacterium psychrophilum and the potential for phage therapy in aquaculture
Københavns Universitet, Denmark

Harriet Hammer
Allosteric modulation of GABAA Receptors
Københavns Universitet, Denmark


Petra Petersen
An investigation of genetic and reproductive differences between Faroe Plateau and Faroe Bank cod (Gadus morhua L.)
University of Stirling, Scotlandi

Birgitta Andreasen
Degradation of Solar Cells Comprising both Organic and Inorganic Materials
DTU, Denmark

Bergur Djurhuus Hansen
Er heima til? Ein tekstslagsástøðilig og bókmentasøgulig viðgerð av ferðafrásagnum Kristians Osvald Viderø
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya

Edit Bugge
Språktradering i Bolsøy. En variasjonslingvistisk analyse med vekt på familietilhørighet som sosial variabel
Universitetet i Bergen, Norge

Anni Djurhuus
Microbial oceanography of southern hemisphere seamounts and hydrothermal vents.
Oxford University, England

Ása Róin
On the making of age. A constructionist study on ageing and later life in the Faroe Islands.
Linköpings Universitet, Sweden

Solveig Malmsten
Dativ i modern färöiska: En fallstudie i grammatisk förändring
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

Noomi Oddmarsdóttir Gregersen,
Identification and analyses of genetic risk factors for panic disorder
Aarhus Universitet, Denmark

Helena Gásdal Karstensen
Towards the genetic basis of hereditary anosmia in the Faroe Islands
Københavns Universitet, Denmark

Stefanie Binzer
Multiple sclerosis: searching for the missing heritability in the isolated Faroe Islands
Syddansk Universitet, Denmark

Jørgen Thorlund Haahr
Reactive Robustness and Integrated Approaches for Railway Optimization Problems
DTU, Denmark

Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær
Transscalar Governance of Climate Change: An Engaged Scholarship Approach
Københavns Universitet,  Denmark

The University of the Faroe Islands awarded the following Honoraty Doctorates in 2015

Hanus Kamban, Ph.d. hc
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Faroe Islands

Jens-Kjeld Jensen, Ph.d. hc
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Faroe Islands

Petur Jacob Sigvardsen, Ph.d. hc
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Faroe Islands