About the Journal

Faroese Scientific Journal is an annual journal with scientific articles from and about the Faroe Islands and Faroese issues. The journal spans all scientific fields with articles  in Faroese (mostly Humanities and Social Sciences) or English (Natural and Life Sciences).

From 1952-2021 Fróðskaparrit was published in an annual printed volume. From volume 67/2021 onwards the journal is no longer published in a printed version.  All articles are available open access on this site. 

Current Issue

Serrit um náttúru og náttúrufatanir í Føroyum

Hvussu hevur “náttúra” verið fatað í Føroyum gjøgnum tíðina? Er til dømis munur á “náttúru í Føroyum” og “føroyskari náttúru”? Hvussu eru sambondini millum íbúgvar í Føroyum og teirra biofysiska umhvørvi broytt gjøgnum tíðina, og á hvønn hátt síggjast ymsar fatanir av náttúru aftur í samfelagnum sum heild, í mentanarlívinum og í vísindaligari gransking innan ymiskar vísindagreinar? Hvussu verður sambandið við náttúruna fatað í dag, og á hvønn hátt ávirkar hetta ætlanir um at skapa eitt burðardygt samfelag framyvir?  

Special issue about nature and nature perceptions in the Faroe Islands

How has “nature” been perceived in the Faroes through time? How have human-environmental relations in the Faroes changed through time and how are different perceptions of nature visible and discernible in society as such, in the cultural sphere and in the sciences. How is our relation to nature perceived today, and what are the implications for our current strategies for building a sustainable society in the future? 

Published: 28-01-2025

Special Issue Náttúrufatan